It Was Just an Accident Read online

It Was Just an Accident

  By: Drac Von Stoller

  Copyright 2013

  Susie Edwards found out at an early age how looks can be an advantage if you do something wrong. It all started with small things like the family pet. One day when Susie was out walking the dog, she wanted to see if she could get away with killing the dog. Susie took the dog about twenty feet in front of the edge of a cliff deep within the woods in back of her house and threw a stick and told the dog to go fetch it. The dog did as asked and went over the edge of the cliff to its death. Susie thought this was really cool, but Susie didn't realize killing things isn't such a cool thing to do. Susie was such a likeable person who had many friends, but Susie was getting pretty bored with their company and never forgot about the rush she got when she watched her dog run off the edge of the cliff to its death. Susie was ready to test the waters of death on her friends. Susie invited three of her closest friends over for a sleep over.

  She asked Brenda, Susan and Jamie over and they said "Sure thing!"

  Susie's adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she was working hard on planning her friends last night on earth.

  Finally, night had arrived and Susie greeted her friends at the door. Susie wanted to make sure her friends were comfortable before the killing began.

  Susie came up to Brenda and said "Brenda come with me I want to show you something."

  Susie told Jamie and Susan they would be right back and to watch a movie.

  The two girls sat down on the couch and watched TV while Susie and Brenda went outside for a walk. Susie told Brenda to walk with her through the woods. Brenda followed her to a tree that was about ten feet from the edge of the cliff. Susie had a Pinata hanging from the tree and told Brenda if she broke the Pinata into she would get the jewelry inside of it. Brenda was excited and Susie placed a blind fold on Brenda then spun her around until she was dizzy. Instead of Susie directing her friend in the direction of the Pinata she pointed her to the edge of the cliff and watched Brenda fall from the edge of the cliff as she was screaming for Susie to save her. But all Susie did was laugh, as her friend plummeted to the ground to her death. Susie skipped along through the woods back to her house to plan her next kill. Susie knew she had to act fast, so she went straight to the kitchen and poured Jamie and Susan a drink laced with rat poison. Susie didn't quite put enough rat poison it which only made the two girls light headed. The girls asked where Brenda was and Susie said as she was crying, "She lost her balance and fell off the cliff. I swear it was just an accident."

  Susan said "Is she still alive?"

  "I'm not sure?" replied Susie.

  All three girls headed into the woods to the cliff, but just as they were walking out the door to the woods, Susie picked up a baseball bat and kept it hidden behind her back so when they reached the cliff she would hit the girls in the back of the head and push them both off the cliff. That's exactly what happened. Both girls were next to the ledge and Susie swung the bat as the two girls were looking over the edge of the cliff for Brenda. Susie hit Susan so hard her skull about split in two pieces, and Jamie screamed for help and Susie swung the bat hitting Jamie across the head. Susie was laughing hysterically, but she would have to do a lot of explaining when her parents got a knock on their door the next morning asking questions about the whereabouts of Susan, Jamie and Brenda.

  Morning arrived and sure enough the police came knocking and wanted to know if anyone might know where the three girls went when they left Susie's house. Of course Susie was as calm as a kitten and said "I guess they went home."

  After the police were through asking questions, they left with no answers, but told Susie and her parents not to leave town in case they had more questions to ask. A week passed by and finally the girls bodies were discovered by two boys playing in the woods. The police came back to Susie's house asking more questions and Susie said to the officers "We were playing at the edge of the cliff and we all lost our balance because a piece of the ground gave way and Brenda pushed me back towards the edge and I was able to hang on to the edge and pull myself back up to safety. I wish I could have saved them all, but I couldn't. Susie was saying all this as fake tears were rolling down her cheeks. The three girl’s bodies were recovered and the skeletal remains of Susie's dog. The three girl’s deaths were all ruled as an accident and Susie was so happy and ready for some more killing.

  The body count started piling up and this time too many fingers were being pointed at Susie to say it was just an accident. After the three girls deaths were forgotten about, Susie was ready for some more action. This time she decided to invite Doug, Johnny and Debbie over to camp out in the woods behind her house. As they were setting up the tent, Susie asked Doug if he would get some firewood, but she told him exactly where to find some and Susie dug a pit and filled it full of snakes, and placed loose branches over it, so it wouldn’t look suspicious. Doug ran over to where Susie told him to go, and Doug fell right in the snake pit and was bitten to death.

  Johnny and Debbie tried their best to free Doug, but it was no use. Susie was laughing under her breath. Johnny and Debbie said "What are we going to do?"

  Susie said "Don't worry you both stay right here and don't let Doug out of your sight and I'll go call the police.

  Johnny and Debbie did as Susie asked, but Susie had no intentions on calling the police. All Susie was thinking about was killing Johnny and Debbie so they wouldn't go to the police, even though it looked like an accident. Susie grabbed a shotgun from her father’s gun cabinet and loaded it and set off back in the woods to blow Johnny and Debbie’s heads off. Susie slowly crept up on Debbie and Johnny as their backs were turned towards Susie and Susie raised the shotgun and shot Johnny in the back of the head and he fell in the snake pit dead. Debbie started screaming and running for her life, but Susie was so pumped up she wasn't going to let Debbie get out of the woods alive. Just as Debbie thought she was home free, Susie jumped right in front of her and pushed her to the ground. Debbie kept screaming, but the nearest house was a half a mile down the road so her screams went unnoticed.

  Susie said "Shut up, this will be over in a few seconds."

  Debbie was crying and pleading for her life.

  Susie pumped the shotgun, started laughing and said "This is the only thing I do best in life and that is Kill people.”

  Debbie replied "You're sick!!"

  "I think it's time I shut your mouth for good!!" said Susie as she pointed the barrel at Debbie’s head.

  Susie pulled the trigger and Susie’s head was blown clean off her shoulders. Susie had this all planned out to a tee. Her parents were out of town for the weekend so what a perfect time for Susie to kill some more of her friends. Susie didn't realize her gunshots were heard by a passing motorist and the motorist stopped their vehicle and turned their lights off and got on their cell phone and called the police. Susie tossed the shotgun in the snake pit and headed back home, but Susie didn't make it home because the police stopped and questioned her, but Susie took off running home, but the officer chased her down and tackled her.

  The officer asked her, "Why did you take off running when I asked you a question?"

  Susie replied "It was just an accident, it was just an accident," as she was crying.

  The officer said "What are you talking about?"

  "We were camping out and Doug was drinking too much and went back to his truck and got a shotgun and came back and started shooting everybody and that's when I started running for my life. I just wanted to go home," said a teary eyed Susie.

  The officer almost believed her, but decided to take her back to the scene of the crime and explain what really happened. Susie knew if she went back to the scene of the crime and trie
d to explain what happened he would never believe her. As they were walking through the woods, the officer called for backup and as the officer was distracted talking to another officer on patrol, Susie’s killer instinct kicked in and she grabbed his gun out of his holster and she opened fire on the officer killing him. Susie was in so deep now that no jury would let her off. Susie grabbed the officer by his ankles and dragged his body to the snake pit and the officer grabbed Susie by the ankle and she tried to get free, but he had a tight grip, so she shot him five times and then he released his grip. Susie wasn't laughing anymore, she was in panic mode. Then she pushed his body in the snake pit along with Johnny, Doug and Debbie’s bodies then covered the pit with branches. Susie high tailed it out of the woods, but three squad cars were blocking her escape route. The officers had their guns drawn and Susie opened fire on them and the officers returned fire wounding her. Susie was handcuffed and taken down to headquarters for further questioning, as the other officers searched for the officer that called in for backup.

  After further investigation and all four bodies had an autopsy done on them, it was clear homicide was the cause of death. Susie kept to her story about all their deaths were accidents, but the police interrogator wasn't buying her story. Susie’s fingerprints were all over the shotgun and the police decided to dig a little deeper into Susie’s past and discovered three of her closest friends died while she was present. Brenda, Jamie and Susan's bodies were exhumed to see what their cause of death was and found blunt force trauma to Jamie and Susan's head and traces of rat poison in their bloodstream, but couldn't find any evidence that Susie was the cause of Brenda's death.

  In the end Susie was convicted of murder in the first degree of Jamie, Susan, Johnny, Debbie, Doug and the police officer and second degree murder for the death of Brenda. Susie was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. It wasn't even a month that Susie spent in prison that she decided to end her life because she could no longer be free in the outside world to kill again, so she hung herself in her jail cell. All the pain that Susie caused the family of the murdered victims was finally over now that this psycho killer ended her own life.