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The Scariest Halloween Attraction Ever

The Scariest Halloween Attraction Ever

  Copyright 2013 by: Drac Von Stoller


  Chapter One: Killer idea for Halloween

  Chapter Two: Let’s make this attraction to die for

  Chapter Three: Party’s over Henry

  About this Author

  Chapter One: Killer idea for Halloween

  We've all been to Haunted House Attractions on Halloween that have people made up to be scary looking to scare us even though it is all fake, and we know it, but we don't care we just want to be scared. Meet Henry Adams he loves going to haunted attractions, but was getting bored and not scared anymore, so he decided he was going to make his own Haunted attraction that would be to die for literally. Henry wanted to be the envy of all Halloween attractions and he is going to do it in a deadly way. Henry knew if he was going to pull this off it had to be done in a big way. Halloween was just a couple months away, and he had to think of something special to do that would alleviate his loneliness in the dilapidated Mansion out in the country where he was living all alone. Then out of the blue he said, "I know just the perfect thing to do this Halloween, and that would be to turn my mansion into a real life Haunted Mansion, but this has to be the real thing not just a bunch of props.

  That night as Henry was daydreaming about what to do on his couch he wasn't about to doze off because if he did he probably would forget. Henry immediately got off the couch, and turned on the light, and got a piece of paper to write down his thoughts, and act on them in the morning. After about an hour, and nonstop writing Henry finally passed out on the couch with a beer in one hand, and the paper he was writing down his thoughts on was lying on his chest. The beer Henry had in his hand dropped to the floor spilling everywhere, but Henry was fast asleep and didn't hear a thing.

  Morning finally arrived and Henry awoke to the sunlight beaming through the living room window. Henry wiped his eyes and grabbed his paper full of ideas then stepped down off the couch into a pool of beer getting his socks soaking wet. Henry said, "I must have really been out of it last night." Then he went over to the kitchen to get a towel and clean up the spilled beer. He made himself some breakfast and sat at the kitchen table going over his ideas. When he was through eating his breakfast he got on his clothes, and took his to do list with him then got in his car eager to get the things he needed to turn his Mansion into a real life Haunted Mansion.

  Henry went into town to the Halloween store for a fog machine to give his yard the kind of look that you would see in scary movies. He also got things from the Halloween store such as spooky music, strobe lights, black lights and cob webs. Henry was excited to see his fantasy unfolding right in front of him.

  Chapter Two: Let’s make this attraction to die for

  After weeks of preparing the rooms of his Mansion and digging holes in his front yard that he had roped off for a cemetery all Henry had left to do is visit the morgue, and steal some dead bodies to be brought back in his hearse, and place the bodies in the graves he had dug. Henry still had a bigger challenge ahead of him, and that was bringing live subjects back to his mansion to be put in the rooms that he had prepared with torture devices, but Henry was too high on his idea, that didn't bother him with his quest at all. Henry arrived after midnight with four bodies he had stolen from the local morgue in the town he lives in, and placed the bodies in the shallow graves he dug in the cemetery he prepared for his Haunted Mansion attraction. It wouldn't be long before the owner of the morgue would report the stolen bodies from his morgue, and be headline news on TV, and newspapers the next day.

  The next morning when Henry awoke he went outside to get the morning paper at the end of his driveway. Henry went back inside his Mansion, and sat down in his recliner, and just laughed when he read what was on the front page of the newspaper about the stolen bodies from the morgue. Henry got up from his recliner, and got a beer out of the refrigerator, and gulped it down then went outside to wash his hearse so it would be nice and shiny for the night when he would be cruising around town in search of some live people to be used in his exhibits inside his Haunted Mansion.

  Night finally arrived, and Henry put on his black suit, and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his cabinet in the kitchen, and took a few swigs, and said "Let's get this party started, and get some live bodies to make my exhibits the real thing, and not this fake crap that doesn't do anything for me. So he drove off into the night in his black hearse in search of the live bodies that will scare the daylights out of anybody when they enter his Mansion of horrors. As Henry was driving down the country roads he turned on one of his favorite audio books of Horror Fiction Writer Drac Von Stoller called Murder Mansion to set the mood.

  Then thunder, lightning and rain made Henry that more happy to be out in the night.

  Henry's hearse was barreling down the country roads in the stormy weather ready to pile in his live subjects and take back to display them in his mansion of horrors. Henry decided he wouldn't get too carried away about trying to find his live subjects all in one night so he focused on one to two per day for a month which would be the end of September.

  Henry pulled his hearse up to the local tavern, and a lady of the night was standing all alone in the rain with an umbrella looking for a man to pick her up, and pay for her services. Henry was ready to jump all over that, but wasn't interested in her services. The only thing on his mind was taking her back to his mansion and putting her into one of his attractions in his haunted mansion. The lady ran up to his hearse, and Henry rolled down his window, and she said, "Are you lonely?"

  Henry replied, "You bet.” “Why don't you get in out of the rain, and I'll take you to my mansion, and we can discuss your services?"

  The lady of the night said, "You live in a mansion?"

  "Yes, I do, I think you'll feel like you belong there," exclaimed Henry.

  The lady of night thought she was going to make a lot of money, but she wasn't getting zilch just imprisoned in an exhibit of Henry's. Henry was excited about how easy it was to lure someone in his car, and wanted to hurry back to his mansion, and get back in his hearse to find some more live bodies.

  As Henry entered the Mansion's gate he stopped suddenly and the lady of the night hit her head on the dashboard of the car, and as she rose up then Henry started choking her until she went unconscious.

  Henry laughed and said, "This is a piece of cake."

  Henry pulled his hearse around the back of his mansion in case a car passed by his mansion so they would not see what was going on behind the mansion. Henry got out of the hearse, and picked up the unconscious woman, and threw her over his shoulder, and unlocked the back door, and carried her inside his mansion. Then he brought her upstairs to one of his rooms where she would be displayed during the month of October and Halloween in his Haunted Mansion for people from the town to get the scare of their lives. Henry decided she would be put in the "Shock Treatment" room. Henry gave her a shot in the arm to keep her sedative long enough to leave the mansion and bring back some more live subjects for the next exhibits. Henry strapped her in a wooden chair and got her hooked up so when he returned with some more live subjects he could have some fun shocking her.

  Henry decided to make another trip to the morgue to pick up a few more bodies to display their body parts in another bedroom and call it "The Room of the Dead."

  Henry felt like he was an artist by removing the faces from the bodies he got from the morgue and carefully displaying them on the walls in the room of his mansion. The more Henry carved into the dead bodies the more he was liked it. He felt like he was a God because he was able to do as he pleases with the live subjects and dead bodies with little

  Henry wouldn't only just be scaring the spectators with his live subjects, but the stench from rotting flesh would be enough to make anyone want to get through his Haunted Mansion without barfing.

  The next exhibit on Henry's mind was the "Torture Chamber" room. The two devices he would have in the torture chamber would be "The Pendulum and The Rack."

  Another great idea of Henry's was to have a person dressed as "Leather Face," and run through the mansion with a chainsaw and saw their limbs off as their screams echoed throughout the mansion, but the only way that would work, Henry would strap a bomb around their waste so if they were to try and run for help he would detonate the bomb resulting in sudden death.

  At the exit a person dressed as Michael Myers with a machete would chase people through the yard and the cemetery as they screamed, and were consumed in a fog, and decapitate them.

  Someone dressed as Count Dracula and would say to each person that entered the mansion, "I bid you welcome ," and then he would raise his cape that was attached to his arms, and show his fangs, and stare directly in the persons eyes with his blazing red eyes, and proceed to bite them on the neck.

  Henry had all his live and dead subjects all in place, and it was time to open the doors to his Haunted Mansion, but Henry's dream of a real life Haunted attraction was about to come to a screeching halt as the people who were walking through his Haunted Mansion thinking it was all fake soon realized body parts were flying all over the place, and blood splatters, and blood curdling screams had people screaming, and running for their lives.

  Chapter Three: Party’s over Henry

  The police were called in, but it was too late to save anyone that entered Henry's mansion for what was to be a night to get scared in a harmless Halloween Haunted attraction. The police had a big job on their hands to distinguish between what was from the morgue and cemetery, and where these live people used as unwilling participants came from.

  After all the horrific details were sorted out, Henry dug up ten bodies from the cemetery, and stole six bodies from the morgue, and brought six live people to be used as unwilling participants in his exhibits along with Dracula, Leather Face and Michael Myers.

  One thing this town will never forget is Henry Adams sick fantasy on Halloween night that became a reality, and that this Haunted Mansion attraction will become famous, and talked about even when Henry's body is six feet under.

  About this Author

  Drac Von Stoller Author of “31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Volumes I, II, III, IV and Volume V. Drac Von Stoller’s Short Stories have been downloaded over 160,000 times in 92 Countries to date. Drac Von Stoller has sold 1,337 Audiobooks to date. Drac Von Stoller’s YouTube videos have been viewed in over 72 Countries. Drac Von Stoller’s Story “Bloody Mary,” has been Number “1” in over 18 Countries to date and been in the Number “1” spot solid for over 5 months in the US and other stories have made it to Number “1” as well. In Canada 3 of my own stories beat out my Number 1 story “Bloody Mary” pushing it to number two 3 times before regaining the Number 1 spot again. Other books by Drac Von Stoller are ‘There’s Something Dead In This House,” “The Ghosts of Summerville Plantation,” “The Ghost of Hill Haven Rd,” just to name a few. Drac Von Stoller has 155 Short Stories.

  For more information and links to books and audio books about Drac Von Stoller visit