Nightmare Inn Read online

Nightmare Inn

  Drac Von Stoller

  Copyright 2012 by: Drac Von Stoller

  Thompsons run down Inn John and Betty Ford always dreamed of returning back to their hometown and owning Mr.. John was wealthy, so he had plenty of money to buy out Mr. Thompsons Inn and fix it up to modern times. Since it's been over twenty years since they spoke to Mr. Thompson, things have changed drastically at the Inn.

  John got on the phone and gave Mr. Thompson a call. "Ring" "Ring" Mr. Thompson, this is John Ford and I wanted to run something by you. My wife and I are interested in buying your Inn."

  Mr. Thompson replied, "Are you serious, this place is a dump. You couldn't possibly make this place a profitable business."

  "Don't worry, I've got plenty of money to fix the place up," exclaimed John.

  "If you're that hell bent on buying my place come on down tonight and we'll discuss business in the morning," replied Mr. Thompson.

  "That sounds like a good idea to me," answered John.

  John and Betty headed on down to Mr. Thompsons Inn in hopes of buying his Inn, but Mr. Thompson had other plans for the Fords and buying the Inn wasn't one of those. The Fords were so happy to see their dream come true as they sped down the highway with excitement on their faces’. John said, "Betty, thank you so much for wanting this as much as I do." Betty answered, "It really makes a difference when two people share the same vision."

  The Fords should have done a background check on Mr. Thompson before proceeding any further, but they didn't and now they must face the grave consequences for going in this blind.

  Finally, the Fords arrived at the Inn just as the storm hit. John said, "Well let's get in out of the rain and in the morning we can check out this place and make him an offer on the Inn so we can get the ball rolling and get this place fixed up to our liking."

  Betty replied, "John, I hope he'll accept our offer. I can't wait to redecorate the rooms the way I envisioned them in my dream."

  "Honey, don't worry, I'm sure he'll accept our offer," replied John.

  John and Betty approached the front desk of the Inn and John said "Is Mr. Thompson in?"

  "Yes, I'm Mr. Thompson, the owner of this Inn. You must be John and Betty Ford."

  "It's been a long time since you both stayed at my Inn. You must be tired from the drive. You and Betty can stay in the best room at my Inn, number 13. John we can discuss your offer to purchase the Inn in the morning in my office."

  "That's sounds great," replied John.

  Mr. Thompson handed the Ford's the keys to room number 13 and the Ford's put their coats over their heads and went outside in the stormy weather to their room. Mr. Thompson let out an eerie laugh as the Ford's headed to their final resting place, room number 13. Mr. Thompson said "The Ford's aren't getting my Inn. The only thing they'll be getting is cooked on my stove and fed to my son Delbert."

  Mr. Thompson's son Delbert wore bloody overalls and loved to eat animals and human flesh.

  The Ford's picked the wrong Inn to want to buy. They made a grave mistake entering room number 13, because right as they entered the room, the stench was overwhelming and the door slammed behind them and locked.

  Mr. Thompson yelled out, "Delbert! Get in here right now! I've got something I want you to do for me."

  Delbert came out of his dad's office with a bloody rabbit’s foot hanging out of his mouth.

  Mr. Thompson hit his son in the back of the head and said "Clean yourself up boy we've got work to do."

  Delbert said "Daddy what are we going to do?"

  Delbert had a first grade education and was thirty-five years old, so Delbert's desire for animals and human flesh was normal to him, but not to the general population.

  Mrs. Ford went over and sat on the bed crying because of the foul odor and the feeling that there was something wrong about this place. Then as she looked down, she screamed and said "There's an arm sticking out of the mattress."

  Mr. Ford rushed over and said "Oh! My God! What is going on here? This place is something out of a horror movie."

  "John, what are we going to do?" asked Betty, as she was pacing the floor and crying her eyes out.

  "Be quiet! Let me think," replied John.

  John came over to the bed and slapped her in the face and told her to shut up because he couldn't think with her screaming so loud.

  Betty finally calmed down and said she was sorry.

  John said "I know what I'll do. I'll throw a chair out the window and we can escape through the window."

  "Great idea!" exclaimed his wife.

  John picked up a chair and threw it through the window and just as they were climbing out to escape, Mr. Thompson and his son grabbed them both and escorted them back into their room and held them at gunpoint.

  Mr. Thompson said "I would like to introduce my son to you. His name is Delbert and has a big appetite for flesh."

  Delbert sat beside Mrs. Ford and started playing with her hair and said "I bet she tastes real good, daddy."

  Mr. Thompson replied "I'm sure she does."

  Mr. Ford asked "What do you want from us is it money?"

  "No! Delbert's hungry and I promised him I would feed him some flesh before he went to bed."

  "You both are sick!! Now let me, and my wife go home and we won’t call the police."

  Delbert and Mr. Thompson laughed.

  Delbert said "Daddy, I'm really hungry and can't wait to eat them. Please Daddy! Please Daddy! I'll be a good boy and lick their bones."

  "When Delbert gets excited he gets a little carried away especially when it has to do with flesh," exclaimed Mr. Thompson.

  Ok! Enough small talk, my boy is hungry," replied Mr. Thompson.

  The Ford's pleaded with Mr. Thompson to let them go.

  Mr. Thompson said "Shut your damn mouths!!"

  Mr. Thompson shot Mr. Ford in the head as Mrs. Ford was screaming in agony. Then Delbert twisted Mrs. Fords head right off her shoulders as she tried to fight him off.

  "Delbert, help me carry their bodies to the kitchen so we can prepare them for a tasty meal," asked his father.

  "Daddy, Thank you so much for getting me some food," exclaimed Delbert.

  Mr. Thompson kicked Delbert in the butt and said "Come on, boy! Stop talking and help me get their bodies out of here."

  "Ok! Daddy! That hurt" replied Delbert.

  "If you don't get going, that ain't all that's going to hurt boy!" said his father.

  "Ok! Ok!" replied Delbert.

  Delbert and his father carried the Ford's dead bodies back to the kitchen to be cooked.

  Delbert put on his blood stained apron and shook his meat clever in the air and said "Daddy! Daddy! I'm ready to chop!"

  Delbert’s father threw Mr. Ford's naked body on the grill and Delbert started hacking Mr. Ford's limbs off and cooking them and tossed the unused body parts and guts in the trash. Then Mrs. Ford's body was thrown on the grill and hacked to pieces. After Delbert was through cooking the Ford’s limbs, Delbert and his father sat down at the kitchen table and ate until their stomachs were full.

  "Delbert, most families don't get to sit at the dinner table together and share quality time together like we do," said Delbert's father.

  Delbert and his father filled their stomachs with the Ford's flesh and stored the leftovers in the refrigerator for tomorrow’s dinner.

  More bodies went missing as the weeks went by relatives started calling the Inn on a daily basis asking Mr. Thompson if he heard anything from their loved ones. All Mr. Thompson said, was they enjoyed their stay at the Inn and either needed to get back to work or home. Mr. Thompson didn't give them any reason to doubt his word. After a while too many people came up missing and the last place they were seen alive was at Mr. Thompson's Inn.
  Finally, one of the relatives by the name of Charlie of one of the missing people decided to stay at the Inn to see if there was something fishy going on at the Inn.

  The idea of being some kind of a hero and bring these missing person cases to a close by snooping around at the Inn would be a fatal mistake.

  Charlie was ready to get to the bottom of this and find out what really happened to his relative. Mr. Thompson welcomed the visitor to his Inn and gave him room number 13 to stay the weekend where the Ford's took their last breath.

  When Charlie got settled into his room he felt like someone was watching him. He was right there was a camera hanging from the ceiling in the corner of the room. Charlie went over and sat the desk in front of the window pulled out the drawer thinking he was reaching in to pull out a phone book. Instead Charlie pulled out Betty Ford's severed head. Charlie yelled, "Oh My God!" Then dropped the severed head on the floor and then he picked up the receiver off the phone to call the police, but the phone wasn't working. Just as Charlie got up to run out of his room and make a break for his car, Delbert burst through the door with a meat clever rubbing his belly saying "I'm hungry and Daddy said I could eat your flesh for dinner tonight."

  "What are you talking about? Is this some kind of a joke? If it is, it isn't very funny," replied Charlie nervously.

  Charlie picked up the receiver off the phone and as he was dialing a number to call Mr. Thompson, there was a fast busy signal. Right as Charlie hung up the phone, Delbert's meat clever came down cutting Charlie's hand right off. Blood was spewing all over the desk and Charlie said as the excruciating pain set in, "Why did you do that, please let me go and get me to a doctor, I'm losing quite a bit of blood, and I'm feeling dizzy."

  Delbert laughed and shook his meat clever in the air all excited that he was about to kill this person and fill his belly up with their flesh. Delbert pushed Charlie's weakened body onto the bed and started hacking off his limbs as he let out a sadistic laugh.

  Delbert's father came into the room just as Delbert was decapitating Charlie's head right off his shoulders. Delbert said "Daddy, look got us dinner for tonight."

  Delbert's father replied "Good job, I'm proud of you son."

  Delbert's excitement got the best of him because when his father bent over to pick up some of the body parts off the bed, Delbert's meat clever came down on his father's neck cutting it clean off his shoulders. Delbert started crying and picked his father's head off the floor and tried to put it back on its shoulders thinking he would be alright, but his head just fell off his shoulders onto the floor. Delbert cried and not realizing that hitting himself in the head with a meat clever was a bad idea. Delbert hit himself the head with the blade end putting deep gashes in his head. Finally, he hit himself in the head a little too hard and the blade stuck in his head and Delbert fell to the floor dead.

  About a week later another worried relative came by the Inn to ask the owner if he may have seen anything that could possibly give a clue to the whereabouts of their loved one. The only thing this person would get out of their visit was stumbling onto some dead bodies.

  When the police were called in to investigate they were baffled at the gruesome crime scene which only left them scratching their heads at what happened in room thirteen.

  One of the police officer's said "This has to be the most horrific crime scene I've ever seen in my twenty plus years on the force. This place is your worst nightmare and should be called Nightmare Inn."

  Mr. Thompsons Inn became a frequent drive by of curious onlookers, thinking they might get a glimpse of its haunted past. There were reports of seeing a ghostly figure pacing back and forth in room thirteen with what appears to be a meat clever in its hand. Every now and then teenagers would break into room thirteen after dark to see if they could conjure up any ghost activity. Some did some didn't, but all in all this is one Inn that needs to be bulldozed to the ground and not bring back it's horrid past.